ITO Thailand Hygiene Blog

Dec 07 2021

Let’s get to know more about GHP

It is undeniable that cleanliness in food is of paramount importance. This is because food that is not clean enough can cause illnesses such as diarrhoea, contamination of parasites and germs, mouth sores from foreign bodies, etc. If it is a serious disease, it may even lead to disability, dismemberment, or death. Therefore, each country needs to have laws to control food hygiene for safety and consumer protection and compliance with international standards.

In Thailand, an important legal standard is GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), which is required to be met before a food factory can be established. Currently, efforts are being made to raise the level of CODEX 2020 International Standards as Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) (currently Draft TAS 9023-2021 and TAS 9024- 2021), which will be more comprehensive and detailed. The scope has been expanded from specific factories or food production industries to food business operators (FBOs) such as retail, hospitality, and food transportation. The overview shall indicate “as necessary” or “as appropriate”. As to the answer whether it is appropriate or not, it is considered based on the likelihood, severity, and the likelihood of harming consumers, because each entrepreneur has different details, needs, and situations.

This change comes with many interesting points such as:
1. The entrepreneurs should play a role in supporting creation of a positive culture regarding food safety, and Management should support Operations as well.
2. Allergens which require attention for management and prevention of contamination
3. Additional training such as training on allergens, food dangers, food storage conditions, machine utilization and maintenance, for instance.
4. Training to refresh knowledge and training recording

As for the personal hygiene part, it is still similar to the previous one, consisting of 3 components as follows:
1. Healthcare (sickness, injuries, communicable diseases, food carriers)
2. Upkeep of personal cleanliness: There should be standards to prevent cross-contamination from employees such as hair nets and mustache covers, proper shoes or a device to help remove hair and wash the shoes. Emphasis is placed on hand washing before starting work, returning from breaks, using the restroom and handling dirty things.
3. Perform work in accordance with the job requirements

ITO Thailand would like to be a part of adopting innovation in food safety.

#GHP #foodcleanliness #foodhygiene #personalhygiene #enterpreneurrole #allergens #training

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